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Stress and Mood Issues

We humans are biologically wired so that when we are:

  • Sad
  • Mad
  • Worried
  • Anxious
  • Stressed
  • Afraid
  • Frustrated

We pour stress-related chemicals into our bloodstreams.

One of the results of those chemicals?

Increased muscle tension (preparing us to fight, hide, or run away from the problem).

If those emotions happen frequently, our necks can end up chronically tight.

Which can contribute to neck nerve irritation that causes headaches.

Check out these resources for addressing mood issues that create headache-causing neck tightness.

Practice new skills for “stress-proofing” your body!


Why Mindfulness is a Superpower

Research shows that mindfulness-based stress reduction (MSBR) can reduce stress and anxiety and reduce depressive symptoms. It can increase quality-of-life in cancer patients and in those with chronic pain.

We are pleased to provide interested patients with referrals to local MBSR practitioners.

Watch this short animation on the power of mindfulness in transforming your health and wellbeing.



Smartphone App

Meditation has been shown to reduce stress, improve sleep, improve mental focus, reduce irritability, increase positivity and well-being, reduce aggression, increase compassion, reduce job strain and improve job satisfaction.

  • Want an easy introduction to mindfulness-based meditation?
  • Go to Headspace's website and sign up for their free "Take 10 Program" - just 10 minutes a day!
  • While you are on their website, take a look at the research that documents the benefits of using Headspace.

The Happy Secret to Better Work

Find out how to become more positive in 2 minutes a day with a 21 day practice in brain re-wiring. Listen to one of the most popular (and engagingly funny!) TedTalks of all time.


Happy Brain: How to Overcome Our Neural Predispositions to Suffering

In this funny, fast-paced talk, Dr. Sood shares an approach that he is taking globally to decrease stress, and improve focus, resilience and happiness.


3 Quick Steps to Stop Negative Thinking Now!

ANTs (Automatic Negative Thoughts) have a negative impact on our health. This is because every thought you have releases chemicals in the brain, which in turn affect your body. Hopeful thoughts release chemicals that help you feel happy and calm. Negative thoughts release chemicals that make you feel stressed and sad.


How Meditation Can Manage Chronic Pain and Stress

If you want to feel less pain, meditate more often. According to this new research, meditation reduces the emotional reaction to pain, which makes a big difference in how we experience pain.

60 Minutes Special on Mindfulness with Anderson Cooper

The scientifically proven benefits of mindfulness in reducing stress are highlighted in this news segment, which includes comments by Jon Kabat-Zinn, founder of the Stress Reduction Clinic and the Center for Mindfulness in Medicine, Health Care, and Society at the University of Massachusetts Medical School.


Human Healing Unlocked: Transforming Suffering into Wellbeing

Watch Dr. David Reilly's thought-provoking talk on how to unlock the potential of human healing. Dr. Reilly is a physician with years of patient experience, including over 10 years working in a pain clinic with patients who had not had success with any other treatment modalities.


4-7-8 Breathing Exercise

Taught for it’s many physiological and psychological benefits, holistic health and integrative medicine expert, Dr. Andrew Weil, explains how to do this simple, yet powerful breathing exercise. He also explains the range of benefits you can expect with regular practice that requires a very small, daily time investment.

Vagus Nerve Stimulation Dramatically Reduces Inflammation

Read this fascinating article from Psychology Today on how vagus nerve stimulation reduces inflammation and the symptoms of arthritis


Mindfulness for Beginners: Reclaiming the Present Moment and Your Life (Book & CD)

by John Kabat-Zinn, Ph.D.

Here, the teacher, scientist, and clinician who first demonstrated the benefits of mindfulness within mainstream Western medicine offers a book that you can use in three unique ways: as a collection of reflections and practices to be opened and explored at random; as an illuminating and engaging start-to-finish read; or as an unfolding “lesson-a-day” primer on mindfulness practice.


When Panic Attacks

by David Burns, M.D.

  • Are you plagued by fears, phobias, or panic attacks? Do you toss and turn at night with a knot in your stomach, worrying about your job, your family, work, your health, or relationships? Do you suffer from crippling shyness, obsessive doubts, or feelings of insecurity?
  • What you may not realize is that these fears are almost never based on reality. Anxiety is one of the world's oldest cons. When you're anxious, you're actually fooling yourself. You are telling yourself things that simply aren't true. See if you can recognize yourself in any of these distortions:
    • All-or-Nothing Thinking: "My mind will go blank when I give my presentation at work, and everyone will think I'm an idiot."
    • Fortune Telling: "I just know I'll freeze up and blow it when I take my test."
    • Mind Reading: "Everyone at this party can see how nervous I am."
    • Magnification: "Flying is so dangerous. I think this plane is going to crash!"
    • Should Statements: "I shouldn't be so anxious and insecure. Other people don't feel this way."
    • Emotional Reasoning: "I feel like I'm on the verge of cracking up?"
    • Self-Blame: "What's wrong with me? I'm such a loser!"
    • Mental Filter: "Why can't I get anything done? My life seems like one long procrastination."


Online Program

MoodGYM is an online self-help program designed to help users prevent and manage symptoms of depression and anxiety. It is like an interactive, online self-help book which teaches skills based on cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT).


TheWel- Wellness Enhancement Learning

Online Program

This award winning program on how you can facilitate your own healing process, can be done from the comfort of your home, and without cost, by downloading a course manual and videos designed by Dr. David Reilly.